In the hustle and bustle of modern life, health and wellbeing seems to have been replaced with consumerism, narcissism and one-ups-man-ship.  Its about who has the best and most expensive toys, the fashion labels, the overseas trips, the big house and how much they earn.


The result, people living a shallow life trying to impress people that don’t care.  This leads on to neglect in their health and wellbeing.
So, if you’re reading this, there is a good chance that you are re-evaluating the way you have been living and want to make a change.


Training ‘n’ Wellbeing will help you make these changes by providing you the tools to live a healthier, more meaningful life. We do this by combining Western and Eastern Modalities, such as functional training, nutrition, meditation and recovery methods designed to make you a better version of yourself.
Training ‘n’ Wellbeing improves health and wellbeing with the use of minimal equipment.


Unlike a lot of cheesy and doctored before and after shots that websites and social media companies use to entice people to purchase their programs.  We use proven methods combined from the past, present, West and East to make real and long-lasting improvements in your health and wellbeing.


If you stop seeking short cuts and focus on tried and proven methods, awesome things start to happen.


Training ‘n’ Wellbeing focuses on mental health, accountability, mobility, self-message, stretching, nutrition and functional training combined in one unique package to handle whatever life throws at you.


So, if you want to see what we are about, sign up and checkout some of the material we have to offer.

Case Study: Dean Holloway: Lost 5 Kilograms in 6 Weeks

“I did not want to train in a gym because I was conscious of the way I would look in comparison to the young gym bunnies.”  


I decided to give the Integrated Training Solutions program a try and it was the first program I successfully completed.  My movement patterns started to improve.  The stiffness in my back and hips started to go away.  I learnt various techniques in functional training, joint mobility, stretching and massage that resulted in me losing 5 kilograms in 6 weeks.  It was tough, but the results were worth it.


The great thing is I now have the skills to maintain a healthy lifestyle and my wife and son have noticed the difference in my appearance and positive attitude.  If I can do it, so that you.


Our aim is to provide some helpful hints so you can be better informed on what you are doing.  There will be some information that will cover training, nutrition mindset and recovery that will help you become the best version of yourself.


In this day of information overload, we sort out the wheat from the chaff so you don’t have to.   The goal is to provide information that is practical and easy to follow.